This hurt Arthur deeply and left him feeling betrayed and also annoyed at John not appreciating the family he had. The gang was able to barter with Bronte for the return of Jack, much to Abigail's relief who emotionally thanked Arthur and the others. He later learned that they were robbed and killed for a meager amount of money. Arthur is the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2, and as a result he has relationships with important characters, as well as numerous other minor characters in the story. Abigail has a great amount of trust for Arthur, especially with her son Jack, such as when she asked if Arthur would take him fishing. (Imagining the interactions that happen between them and the reader as they try to communicate would be funny ^^), A/N: This was very fun to write, because at some point, I too was a non-english speaking immigrant. You would attentively listen to the leader, Dutch was his name, and try to memorize the words he spoke. She would sometimes have spontaneous interactions with him, mostly about Dutch, but also about the rest of the gang and her insecurities concerning them. Jack just wants a little time with his uncle Arthur, but the man's been very distant lately. At camp Javier doesn't go up to Arthur for random conversations. Favorite Arthur/John/Mary-Beth headcanons? Sadie builds up enough trust in Arthur that she asks for his help to hunt the last of the O'Driscoll Boys, bluntly telling Arthur that he is the only one out of all the fools in the gang she trusts. In the epilogue, Rains Fall tells John how he respected Arthur for helping him and both briefly more than him. Even so, John would use Arthur's ring to propose to Abigail, showing the sentimental value Arthur has in his, and Abigail's, life. You decide that as an involved party you should get a cut from it, and go on to make sure that the bet is won. Dutch also shows clear trust in Arthur and complete confidence in his protege's numerous abilities. Arthur Morgan is a conflicted, fascinating outlaw who experiences many highs and lows as RDR2's protagonist.When exploring the Van der Linde gang's campsites throughout the story, Arthur can sit down with various gang members to have one-on-one, therapy session-like conversations . Thankfully, a group of people have picked you up, given you food and shelter and only asked for a small contribution in the form of basic housekeeping (more like camp keeping) in return. Before the gang's last heist, Arthur, who has already planned secretly with John to steal Dutch's hidden stash for when he escapes with his family, tries to convince Dutch to let John, Abigail and Jack, as well as the other women, leave peacefully, however, Dutch takes offense to Arthur's insistence but feigns indulgence and promises he will do so after this last train robbery. However, Kieran gives up details on a possible whereabouts of Colm O'Driscoll and Dutch decides that he should go along with Arthur, John and Bill to show them where. Late in the game Arthur is forced to go with Eagles Flies, along with the rest of the Van der Linde gang, to attack Cornwall's oil facility. Arthur has a brief yet friendly relationship with Joe, with the two talking about recent events. Nope. Dutch convincesEagle Flies to attack Cornwalls oil factory, forcing Rains Fall to arrive at the gang's hideout and convince Arthur and his friends to stop Eagles Flies from being killed, whilst inadvertently revealing to Dutch and Micah that Arthur has been aiding Rains Fall without theirknowledge. It was Trelawny's intel that helped the gang locate Sean after he was captured in Blackwater following the failed job there. The two part ways again for the final time. Arthur's last words to Dutch is that Micah is a rat and he knows it. He's even avoiding Abigail so she tries to get an answer out of him. He would take you to an open field, or a forest, where all the animals roam freely, and draw with you, helping you whenever you ask. When Lenny revealed his concern at being so far south in Lemoyne because of its history of racism, having been filled with slave plantation farms before the war, Arthur expressed his sympathy and acknowledged that it couldn't be easy for him. You would let out a long breath and shake your head. Initially, Arthur was antagonistic, and arguably cruel, towards Kieran because he had originally been an O'Driscoll at the time Arthur captured him. Work Search: The fight ends with Sadie killing the O'Driscoll's last leader and opening up to him about how much she misses her husband. As a result, for most of1899, Arthur has little respect for John. This is quite frankly a place for me to just collect anything I write for this little rare-pair. He viewed Sean as a lowly member of the gang due to being prone to mistakes, such as when John, Sean, Arthur and Charles were robbing a train and Sean got himself pistol whipped. He would often insult and berate him for his over exuberant mannerisms. All I know is I want no part of him, nor any party Dutch throws for that bastard. If you wanted a season two this is it. Arthur tells him to leave while he holds off the Pinkertons, and that it would mean a lot to him if he were to make it out alive. I used to write a lot for Supernatural (the TV show). He then asks Karen if she is okay, with her telling him she is fine. Mary-Beth is hopelessly in love with Arthur Morgan, and so far all efforts to capture his heart have failed. He tells Strauss to get a job and gives him some money to leave, with Strauss doing so, never to be seen again. Even admitting that he likes Hosea more. They shared similar beliefs and principles, albeit Charles was a little bit more moral than him, at one point he berates Arthur for being willing to send a German family on their way after having a family member kidnapped by the Lemoyne Raiders. At camp Lenny can play Five Finger Fillet and Poker with Arthur. Rains Fall comforts Arthur and tells him that he is being too hard on himself. Honestly that shit was god damn real as it gets if you've been there. Here. A look back on the time John left the gang, as well as a Red Dead retelling of The Prodigal Son. Throughout Arthur's last moments fighting Micah he continuously bragged that he has won, contradicting Micah's claims that he had lost, because he successfully saved John and his family. To me, its such a pretty but a sad song AO3 Link. Maybe there is something to his strangeness.. He also points his gun at the pair, although doesn't try to chase them down after the Pinkertons interrupt. Johns last words to Arthur are we're brother's, which Arthur responds by saying I know, I know.. They got their chance and they would successfully kill Micah. However, Arthur was captured by the O'Driscoll Boys and was briefly tortured by them, having escaped and arrived back at camp, Dutch was clearly relieved at his return but also apprehensive about the dire state Arthur was in. Mary-Beth sits on the chair beside where Arthur has sprawled himself in the grass. They successfully broke John out of prison but at the same time annoyed Dutch for disobeying his orders, however, Sadie's loyalty is to Arthur and isn't too fazed by Dutch's frustration with them. Abigail, when Jack brings up Arthur, says that John does not like to talk about Arthur much. Arthur Morgan did not intend to survive when he gave his hat to John Marston and stayed behind to gain his redemption. In regards to his death, Arthur says that he watched Lyle die and "it weren't soon enough,"referringto himas a "no good bastard" in a journal entry after his tuberculosis diagnosis. They ride out together, killing any pursuers, with Arthur having successfully found evidence of Cornwall's intentions. John refuses and doesnt want to leave him behind but Arthur tells him that neither of them will make it out as Arthur is being slowed down by his illness and knows that he is eventually going to die. Favorite Arthur/John/Mary-Beth headcanons? I thought Mary Linton was a good person. Charles would talk about Arthur being a good man, and would go with Sadie and John to kill Micah to avenge Arthur. Not only this, but Arthur can, on some missions, choose to help certain characters and/or make other decisions that will effect the outcome of their relationship. He wondered how long she would keep his favor. What? She touches her tongue to the fine droplets of wet blood that coat her lips and cheek; it tastes of earth and salt, like the faraway memory of sea spray. When the gang starts to fall apart Arthur can tell Uncle that he should leave before its too late. That Jack is adorable. Arthur praised her with his hands on his belt, watching the youngin stare up at the pair from camp grass. Despite this, Arthur is, occasionally, willing to follow him. If Arthur does this there will be a regular supply of fire and poison arrows beside his bed. After they return from Guarma and set up camp at Beaver Hollow their relationship begins to strain furtherwhen Arthur, with Sadie, rescuesJohn from Sisika Penitentiary against Dutch's wishes. Charles mentions to Arthur that Javier has changed to which Arthur calls him a "little sack of shit"he shouldve lethim to die in Guarma, signifying that their once close friendship has ended. Arthur saw Hosea as a father figure, much like Dutch, and looked up to him. Summary: Youve just escaped from Blackwater, barely ducking from bullets that were shot your way. His willingness to help Rains Fall got to a point where he would try to do so behind Dutch's back, and even if it earned his contempt. Havent wrote anything in a while so wanna warm up by writing some short drabbles. The year John left and what could have been. Abigail begged Arthur, as well as Dutch and John, to rescue her son when he was kidnapped by the Braithwaites. John took Arthurs words to heart of running and not looking back, as he used those words on Abigail and Jack before his own sacrifice. Been teaching Jack how to use a hammer today, his journal read. Howdy, my fellow outlaws! Hosea adds on that they were "a curious couple with their unruly child." She does love him, she just can't join his world anymore than he could join hers. Arthur would regularly bring Charles on jobs, believing him to be a more reliable pair of hands than anybody else in the gang. He aided their fight to protect their land by sneaking into Leviticus Cornwall's office to find proof that his tribe will be forced to move. Prior to this Mary-Beth asked Pearson about Kieran having gone missing, but Arthur can interject and tell her that he will be fine, with Mary-Beth choosing to trust him. Their relationship is very similar to what Uncle has with John. "Mary's a bad person for not wanting to join Arthur and his gang of ruthless murderers and criminals. Vidla ped sebou chlapa, kter mluvil ke konm a respektoval eny, a ukzala na jeho mladho bratra, toho s nevymchanou hubou a vychovnm srovnatelnm s nosorocem, a ekla chci tohohle. Arthur and Dutch enjoyed activities together such as going fishing, alongside Hosea, where the three shared anecdotes of how their lives were before the rest of the members joined. At camp Pearson never goes up to Arthur for a spontaneous chat, but he is one of the members Arthur can play Poker with. Arthur and Javier have respect for each other and worked together to rescue John when he had gone missing. He doesn't work on jobs or engages in any killings of any kind. Nonetheless, Arthur still respects him deeply because he keeps the camp fed, especially the women and children, and ultimately recognises the vital role he plays in keeping the gang going.